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the last romance

seventeen, pink obsseser, all-time bully and a fantatabulous rockstar!
rewind my past
Please do not remove the credits thanks.

the song I used to play

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the words we all said

ShoutMix chat widget

the exits to escape

Faiqah Kani. Fatin Nuralifah. NFS. TJ. Yasmin Fatene. Hafiezzah. Yanna Fasilah. Anna. Normas Hamizah. MDZ. Tedyy. Meecan. Nurul. Atai. Aunt Dyja Rock. Blacky Nana. Alai. Kanaye.
the historys to forget

September 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010

the sources of love

Designer : DEAD-dolliie

Sunday, February 14, 2010
the stories that happened yesterday

happy 6th monthsary baby. :) i love you always.......

baby, don't backstab. 11:43 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010
the stories that happened yesterday

You got to tell me that everything will be alright. Nothing bad is going to happen. Promise me that you wont leave me, EVER. Tell me that you still love me like the very first time you told me. I put my trust on you baby. And never let me do wn.

If only you know..

I really thought he will bring me out to the show but no, i was wrong. Does it make sense when your boyfriend invited his bestfriendS instead of his ONE AND ONLY GIRLFRIEND? NO, THIS IS FUCKING NONSENSE! GOD! ITS KILLING ME! HOW DARE YOU! I am not going to throw myself to you and saying that i want to come! Its embarrassing! FUCCCCCCCCCKER! :(((( you will pay for this. you will see. I can do anything.

But its okay. Im cool. :)


baby, don't backstab. 3:14 AM

Thursday, January 14, 2010
the stories that happened yesterday

HAHAH. -.- i know i havent post anything since last year T.T been very busy maaa. got this and that to do. and now im at easyway with them. faiqah, mera and akee. hmmmmm, i seriously have nothing in my mind. im updating my blog for Dani's sake hahaha. he's been pushing me to do this but i got no story to share dannnnnnnn :P but alhamdulillah my love life is okay now. so far so good laaa. today is our 5th monthsary anyway. i greeted him but he is out of credit :( so sadd. i celebrated it alone, watching dvd and having marshmallows. pity huh? hahah not really. bah i gtg now. wana have some talk with the girls.


baby, don't backstab. 11:15 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday


baby, don't backstab. 12:21 AM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday

15th september 2009! happy first monthsary baby! haha. well you know, i havent been celebrating anniversary for a year. so yeah, im excited!! hahaha. i love you baby. and everyday im missing you. :) we had great time together today. we went out for sungkai with some of his friends at wywy. they were fatin, nabilah, nana, sheila, amal, ilyas, safwan, boh. and i enjoyed the day. sheila's birthday is coming up, i heard. and i need a dress. hahaaa. i rarely wear dresses for god's sake! need some help here! maigod, i got to go. its almost two am now. i got class at 9 am later! chow!


baby, don't backstab. 10:14 AM

Sunday, September 13, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday

its 3.45 am brunei time right now. and currently im watching definitely, maybe. :D where i should do my revision. hehehe. a month to go. 19th oct is the day. and hell yeah, i got extraclasses to attend on this first week of holiday!!


baby, don't backstab. 12:40 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday

Alright. All i want to do now is wailing. Reasons? I think today is a kind of my bad day. or should I say, hari kempunan? oh mahn, this so not good at all. im craving for pearl milk tea!!!! its been a month i didnt drink it!!! i went to easyway today at around 8 but the pearls habis! i want PEARL milk tea, not just milk tea. i want the pearls. I love them, im missing them so bad... :( the time i got in the car, my mum asked me why and i said theres none left for me today. very unlucky. and i also said like this, "kempunan eh. kena talan buaya tah ku ni." My mum was liked, very furious and worried.. she totally loathes it, didnt like the words i said. she asked if i wanted to buy some other drinks but i refused. Sorry mum, didnt mean to make you worry.. she knows that im a pearl milk tea freak. She knows ive been craving it for ages. maigooood, why am I so down? Aaaaaa, another one. Mum asked alus to buy nasi katok for sahur. She bought two only, one for me and one for alang. si abang didnt want it at first when mum asked him. it was like, balik2 bah mum asked him, still he said he didnt want one.. BUT, when alang ate his nasi katok, abang kept on peeking him! mengintu bah ia ah. mum told abang to join alang eating the nasi tapi inda mau. he wanted the other one which was supposed to be MINE! membari marah bah this boy, awal2 inda ia mau. how i wish i could knock on his face. But what to do? mengalah saja tah. Thats what old people say, yang basar atu mengalah saja.. hmmm.. now im fucking hungry, theres nothing to eat for sahur. Isnt that bad? :( im so sad and almost cry. just because of pmt and nasi katok. what a crybaby. im starving man! kan gila saja inda ni, kusut! SIGH. this is not a small deal, what if im not breathing the next day? what if it happens that i am found dead in my bed? kempunan bah ku kempunan. haish.. bad things can happen and it will make you feel guilty. Thats not a good thing people. NOT. damn, why on earth im doing this? its pissing me off. it ruined my mood and everything! Im sorry especially to my mum..


baby, don't backstab. 1:00 PM